About Us

About Us

Welmenz Trading PLC was established in January 23, 2006. Today we are engaged in the import and export, Mining industry, machinery,  Steels, construction, Vehicle, textile, information technology equipment, Food and Beverage Industry , tour & travel. Sectors in we are working on Ethically and in professional way.

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  • To share development benefits with people living in & around mines, while improving the welfare of employees.
  • To ensure high level of customer satisfaction
  • To achieve international standards of productivity by scientific mining and adequate thrust on power consumption, environment standards and water resources.
  • To expand the mining activities in other minerals like Tantalum, manganese, coal, chromite, Gold and other rare minerals in & outside the country by acquiring new mines.


  • WELMENZ TRADING PLC would like to see itself as one of the leading Gemstone exporter companies in Ethiopia. 0ur vision is to provide color-matched gemstones that are ready-to-set to companies and private customers around the world. In this way we offer a unique gemstone collection affordable for most people and allows each company to bring into their own design. “Gem Visions strives to provide innovative solutions and creative ideas in keeping with the latest global trends.” our general vision and mission is to add sparkle in people’s everyday life.

Core Values

  • Teamwork and Commitment
  • Doing the right thing
  • Innovation
  • Simplicity
  • Collaboration
  • Openness
  • Volunteerism
  • Enthusiasm
  • Respect

Our Team